Our Philosophy


Adventure Valley Childcare seeks to provide a warm and nurturing environment where all children develop a healthy, happy and secure approach to living and learning. In our preschool program we strive to meet the children's individual needs with love, patience and understanding.


Our staff believe in providing a wide range of stimulating and rich learning experiences that challenges each child individually. It is our intention to extend their learning therefore preparing each child for future learning environments. Te Whāriki is used as the foundation for our learning environment.


Children are encouraged to develop their personal capabilities, strengths, interests and learning styles.


Mission Statement

Our goal is to give each child a warm environment to encourage the development of socialisation skills, independence and a positive self-image. Our experienced teaching staff embrace the view that each child is an unique person with an individual pattern and timing of social, physical and intellectual development.


Teachers encourage children to think for themselves, make decisions and work towards their own solutions by expressing their own ideas and feelings.

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